Guidelines for Paper Authors
- The Paper has not been published before or is at the same time under review by any other journal or conference.
- The paper file should be in MS word format (.DOC or .DOCX file format) and should be e-mailed directly to the editor at: [email protected]
- A copyright form is to be completed and attached to the message sent to the editor.
- Once the paper is received, it will be assigned a unique number that reflects the date of paper submission. Three or more reviewers are assigned to review the paper within one day of the date of paper submission.
- The authors should provide the necessary copyright release forms, if any, copyrighted material is included or used in the paper.
- Papers are to be acknowledged and referenced accurately and meticulously.
- When the paper is accepted for publication, the copyright is conceded to IJCSCS.
- Authors are to follow the instructions and paper format shown on Author Resources Page to avoid any publication delays.
- A publication fee of 50 $ US is required for papers with ten pages or less.
- The accepted manuscript will experience copy editing, format checking and reference validation to provide the highest publication quality possible.
- Upon request, authors can be provided with a printed volume of the journal at a cost of 50 $ US per volume.
- Selected highly-recommended papers are eligible for a publication fee waiver.
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