"Information is the resolution of uncertainty," C. E. Shannon
The International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Security (IJCSCS) is a peer-reviewed technical journal. The journal publishes original articles contributing to the advancement of theoretical results in all areas of Computer Science, Communication Networks and Information Security.
Subjects covered include Parallel Processing and Distributed Computing, High-Performance Computing, Combinatorics, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Neural Networks, Field Programmable gate Arrays (FPGA) based Hardware Implementations, Database Management and Information Retrieval. In addition, other subjects in Computer and Communication Security include Cryptography, Steganography, Cryptographic Engineering, Communication Security, Database Security, Electronic Commerce Security, Biometric Authentication and Algorithms, RFID Applications and Wireless Security. Are you looking for some materials to cope with college projects? Similar to pro companies like Writemyessays , we offer some useful information. If you think who can do my programming homework WriteMyCodes.com will help as well. In today's digital age, outsourcing academic assignments has become increasingly accessible. However, seeking external assistance to "do my assignment" raises important ethical considerations.
IJCSCS applies an open access publication model. All readers are able to freely access the journal online without the need for any subscription or download charges. The types of papers accepted are regular papers, short communications or perspectives of current interest. The experts at the best cheap custom essay writing service will help you find relevant information on any topic.
A publication fee of 50 $US is required for papers with ten pages or less. Some selected papers, as recommended by reviewers, are eligible for a publication fee waiver. Upon request, authors can be provided with a printed volume of the journal at a cost of 50 $US per volume.
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ISSN: PP17467/07/2012 (030321)
A-0-3, Anjung Hijau, Bukit Jalil, 57000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia